7 Reasons It’s Outrageous The BBC Have Cancelled Last Of The Summer Wine
1. It Has Sunday Written All Over It. Last Of The Summer Wine is Sunday. On it comes at around 6pm and immediately the nation realises it will soon be Monday. That is Last Of The Summer Wine’s job. Getting people depressed so they start the week off in the right way. Now what are we going to do? We can’t be happy on Monday morning. That would be wrong.
2. The Joke. It’s the same one. It always has been. I haven’t watched every episode of every series. In fact I don’t think I’ve watched even thirty seconds of every series, but that doesn’t matter. Because I know what the joke is. Three blokes flying down a hill in a bath tub. Or on a sofa. Cue two policeman looking alarmed as it buzzes by them. (One of them drops a sandwich too). They don’t write jokes like that anymore. Where am I going to go for my sofa fix?
3. Sex In The Countryside. There is something beautifully innocent about old women sitting in a lounge, eating sticky buns, talking about their husband’s inability to remember to take off their muddy shoes when they come home of an evening. That’s what women should be talking about. We won’t have that again. Instead we’ll have repeats of four forty-somethings, sitting in a New York restaurant, discussing the size of Samantha’s latest pepper grinder conquest. Disgusting. You hear me? Disgusting.
4. Holmfirth. For the uninitiated, this is where Last Of The Summer Wine is filmed. I have never been. Because I don’t need to. Every year, if I want to, I can see how much the place has changed on the TV. Along with all other eight regular viewers. But what are we going to do next year? When it’s no longer on. I’m going to have to go on a coach trip to Holmfirth with eight randomers. I don’t want to go to Holmfirth with eight randomers. It’s bloody miles away.
5. Something Else Not To Watch. I don’t watch Last Of The Summer Wine. No matter what you may think. When the final series finishes though, I won’t be able to not watch it. So that means I’ll have to find something else not to watch to restore the happy balance in my TV viewing. This is pressure. I can’t choose Loose Women because I already choose not to watch it. I’l have to find something I don’t know about on some channel I don’t know about and not watch that instead. What a waste of time.
6. Potential. It promised so much didn’t it? And it was so close to achieving it. What with Russ Abbot playing a milkman who thinks he was once in MI5. What a shame to cancel the show just as it was reaching its climax.
7. 2010: The End. What with Lost ending this year. And 24. And Heroes. And Flashforward. It feels a bit like a salt in the wound to also have Last Of The Summer Wine ending on us. And this comes from someone who didn’t even watch 24. Or Heroes. Or Flashforward. Or Last Of The Summer Wine. Which only goes to show how ridiculous and painful the BBC’s decision is.
eight viewers? and I quote:
Last of the Summer Wine continues to bring in a large audience for BBC One. The series premeire of the 28th series brought in an average of 3.2 million viewers, giving BBC One a 18.6% share of viewers in the 6:20 time slot and growing its audience from 2.7 million to 3.4 million over the 30 minutes. The show was beaten for the night only by Channel 4’s Big Brother, which had 3.6 million viewers at 9:00 pm but a lower share of viewers for its time slot.[6]
you’re Eaton Graduate wot? Amazing how many young nazis I see ranting and raving that because they don’t bloody like show
(and are unable to find tv channel changer to move on) so it must be removed or they won’t be ‘all right’ themselves. (Sic: when
you change I’ll be fine) I’m stuck here in ‘States and if you want to see really BAD TV? spend some time watching U.S. channels
Most keyed to the interest level of the same people who stop at accident scenes on highway looking for some blood to get their
cheap thrills by seeing. or competition…. “I won, you lost, I’m great, you suck” shows jccampb
“competition is the lowest form of human interaction” Dr. W. Edwards Deming
To be honest, if all Nazis are doing these days is ranting and raving because they can’t find the remote control, we have come a long way.
I missed this one and just found it and had to comment.
Last of the Summer Wine is the only show that really recognises my surname, and it being cancelled is just heartbreaking. Okay so it’s Compo who shares my surname but it’s better than nothing!
Compo is the most famous Simmonite around and the BBC are getting rid of him!
My wife is so into British comedy it’s crazy. We watched about 8 episodes of “Chef”. I don’t normally find British humor very funny but I have to admit Chef was pretty good. Maybe they will substitute your show with “Chef”?
Carl Fischer – Owner & COO Product Creation