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7 Reasons Not to Write in the Park

7 Reasons Not to Write in the Park

  Last week, I wrote a piece entitled 7 Reasons To Write In The Park.  I did this because it was a nice day and I thought it would be a good idea to combine a visit to my local park with writing,  Having come up with the title for the piece before I set off, I felt duty-bound to complete it, even though my experience showed me that the park isn’t the ideal place to write at all.  This is why.   1.  Sunshine. It was sunny in the...

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7 Reasons To Write In The Park

7 Reasons To Write In The Park

Something amazing happened yesterday; the sun came out in Yorkshire.  With a mixture of delirium, excitement and astonishment I abandoned my plans and headed off to my local park.  I decided to justify this dereliction of home improvement duty by coming up with 7 Reasons To Write In The Park.   1.  Fitness. I walked to the park, something that probably counts as one of my five portions of exercise per day.  Had I stayed at home to write...

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