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7 Reasons Manu Tuilagi Should Be Embarrassed

7 Reasons Manu Tuilagi Should Be Embarrassed

On Saturday afternoon, the country had two choices. They could either watch a bunch of tarts or a bunch of thugs. Being someone who lacks a passion for theatrical performance this choice didn’t apply to me. My radar featured solely the Leicester v Northampton Premiership semi-final. The FA Cup Final only appeared on nancy boy’s radars. And Ricky Hatton’s. My choice, as happens regularly with my choices, was the correct one and...

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7 Reasons to Support The Referee

7 Reasons to Support The Referee

Well, that’s it, another domestic football season is over and now we’ve got the World Cup to look forward to.  Next season, however, we should do things a little differently than we usually do.  We should stop supporting our football teams and support the ref.  Now that might seem like a strange and unusual thing to do, but if you consider it carefully, it’s quite logical really.  Here are seven reasons why.   1.  Colours. When...

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