Guest Post: 7 Reasons Why You Should Get A Grip On Your Finances
here’s no denying the country is in a pickle. The latest figures show that 1694 workers are getting made redundant every day and the downturn is the longest the UK has seen in more than 100 years.
Little surprise then than many households are turning to borrowing money to try and make it through to payday and keep a roof over their head. However, spiralling debts can be difficult to escape from in the long term, even once the country’s economy eventually picks up.
It can be very tempting to rely on credit cards and loans to help make things easier but here are seven reasons why you should sort out your finances and steer clear of debt where possible.
1. You will end up with less and less money. Unless you are lucky enough to secure a 0% interest credit card, the charges added to money borrowed can make the amount repayable much more than the original debt. This means that more and more of your income will be swallowed up by repayments, leaving you increasingly reliant on borrowing, a vicious circle, which is almost impossible to escape.
2. Existing on borrowed money encourages you to live beyond your means. In the majority of cases, it is possible to survive on the income you receive, even if you have to make some adjustments to your lifestyle. Relying on payday loans and credit cards stops you making the necessary spending cuts and allows you to spend more than you have.
3. It is difficult to keep track of what you are spending. If you simply slap everything on your card, you may well be in for a nasty surprise at the end of the month. By paying for everything with cash, or your debit card, you can keep tabs on your bank balance throughout the month.
4. You will be seen as a poor credit risk. If you have lots of credit cards which are at their limit, many lenders will be less likely to offer you more finance – a real problem if you are trying to get a mortgage or a car loan. More recently, one lender has said that any applicant with a history of payday loans will automatically be refused.
5. You might sleep better. Having to survive on a reduced income is not much fun but is less worrying that juggling money to pay off your lenders. Anxiety over how to pay debts is one of the leading causes of insomnia.
6. Your financial situation will improve. Your financials will improve more quickly when the economic downturn in the country is over. Once the double dip recession ends, there will be more job opportunities and cheaper goods in the shops. If you are still crippled by debt repayments it will take a lot longer to feel the benefits.
7. Sorting finances now could help to improve your financial situation in the future. Even if you aren’t waist-deep in debt, it can be easy to blow money by being disorganised. Taking the time to sort through your finances, cancel unnecessary direct debits and draw up a budget may well just be enough to make life more comfortable.
Baines & Ernst is a leading provider of debt help and advice to people with money troubles. The company has helped over 100,000 people to escape the pressures of debt and provide solutions including Debt Management Plans and IVAs.