Russian Roulette Sunday: How You Found Us Part 4
It’s been almost five months since we last took a look at the phrases you used to find our website, which means it must be time to do it again. And once they are some of the strangest, weirdest and disturbing phrases as you are likely to find anywhere on the inter-web.
1. Phrases you used to find us that we found flattering:
Boys are better than girls
Funny Asterix comments
2. Phrases you used to find us that we found less flattering:
Syphilis designers
Fernando is faster than you
Talked nonsense
Cheryl Cole
3. Phrases you used to find us that we’re sorry we couldn’t help with:
Bear roulette
Bikini clad women with hose pipes
Relieve air travel butt pain
4. Phrases you used to find us that we don’t know anything about and nor do we want to:
Ten reasons
Where is CCTV
jewel house guarded 24 hours
5. Phrases you used to find us that are just plain wrong:
Naked chef calendar
Sweater kittens
Noki c2-03
Why did the French not invade England
Piers Morgan hair
6. Phrases you used to find us that there is no earthly explanation for and that we can’t help with:
Minefields on the way to Seven Sisters
Carbonated water burps
When I look at things I go cross-eyed
Yupik kiss
Martin Sheen can’t swim
7. Phrases you used to find us that there is no earthly explanation for but that we were able to help with:
Baby name bayron (It’s spelt Byron)
Should I go to Frence on holiday? (No)