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7 Reasons We Couldn’t Decide On Blowers’ T-Shirt

Posted on June 24, 2011 in Posts | 4 comments

You’ll know by now, or at least you should, that we are both thoroughly decent English chaps who like cricket. You’ll also know that we like the commentator extraordinaire that is Henry Blofeld. We know that’s a contentious issue. There are some who would readily describe him as ‘bumbling’. We, on the other hand, find his excitement, his love for both cricket and life, his pigeon twitching and his inability to grasp Twitter completely infectious. So much so that we want to go to the cricket wearing a Blowers t-shirt. Sadly, that is currently not possible. There is no Blowers t-shirt in existence. So, we’ve designed one. Well, seven actually. We designed one and Marc wasn’t too keen. So Marc designed one and Jon wasn’t very happy. So in the end we have designed seven and it is up to you, the humble reader, to decide which design goes to mass manufacture. Here are the choices.

1.  My Dear Old Thing.

7 Reasons We Couldn't Decide On Blowers' T-Shirt

2.  Hat, Glasses & Bow Tie.

7 Reasons We Couldn't Decide On Blowers' T-Shirt

3.  Bus Stop.

7 Reasons We Couldn't Decide On Blowers' T-Shirt

4.  Silhouette.

7 Reasons We Couldn't Decide On Blowers' T-Shirt

5.  On Mic.

7 Reasons We Couldn't Decide On Blowers' T-Shirt

6.  Red Trousers.

7 Reasons We Couldn't Decide On Blowers' T-Shirt

7.  The Collection.

7 Reasons We Couldn't Decide On Blowers' T-Shirt

To vote for your favourite just click on an image. This will take you to Twitter where all you have to do is click ‘Send’. Clever, huh? Or you can vote on our Facebook page. Or, if you are not a Twitter or Facebook person, you can leave a comment below with your choice. There, we think that’s all bases covered. Voting closes at 11:59pm on Saturday 25th June and we’ll announce the winner in Russian Roulette Sunday, on… erm… Sunday. And, if you vote, there’ll be 20% off the t-shirt that goes to print too.

NB: T-shirt colours are subject to change, so just go with which design makes your heart sing.

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  1. My dear Old Things, can I please submit my own design?

  2. Erm… yes. I suppose you can. But vote for one of the above first. Just so, you know, we don’t feel totally humiliated.

  3. Diabolical. We discard them all. Man’s a bounder. Redesign immediately. My people will be sending you an outstanding suggestion

  4. How did I know you were going to say that?

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