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7 Reasons That Postcards Should Be More Honest

Posted on November 17, 2010 in Posts | 0 comments

Postcards.  They’re not honest enough.  Here are seven reasons why.

1.  Blackpool.  This is what a holiday in Blackpool actually looks like.  I’ve been there.  Many times.  Other postcards may not show this, but forewarned is forearmed.

A picture postcard from Blackpool

2.  Bondi Beach.  Sending a postcard from Australia, where it’s nice and warm and sunny you’re having a good time is ostentatious and likely to cause the recipient a pang of envy.  Negate the envy by showing the reality.  That you’re being eaten by a shark.  Or a crocodile.  Or a spider.

A postcard from Bondi Beach, Sydney,Australia

3.  Welwyn Garden City.  If the postcard isn’t honest, the recipient might get a false impression of a destination and may choose to visit it themselves.  This would be a mistake.

A postcard from Welwyn Garden City, Hertfordshire

4.  Slough! You don’t want to get people’s hopes up about what they can expect as a present.  Unless you show the iconic local product on your postcard, they might expect all sorts of exotica:  A sombrero; a stuffed donkey; a bottle of wine in a wicker basket; an owl.  You need to let them know that they aren’t getting any of these things.

A postcard from Slough, home of the Mars Bar

5.  The Natural History Museum.  Or, you can subvert an entire genre of postcards and send this.  That should make the recipient nervous until your return.

My friends went to the Natural History Museum and all they got me was this louse...

6.  Yorkshire.  You don’t want the recipient to feel as if they’re missing out on lots of sunshine, warmth and an exotic climate.  Let them know what the weather’s really like where you are.

A postcard from Yorkshire, England.

7.  Candour.  Ever wondered why the sender always returns from holiday before the postcard?  Well wonder no more.  It’s because they don’t care enough about you.

We couldn’t be bothered to write our postcards while we were having a lovely time on holiday so we waited until the last possible moment and did it at the airport.

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