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Russian Roulette Sunday: Halloween Special

Posted on October 31, 2010 in Russian Roulette Sunday | 0 comments

Hi, Marc here.  Happy Halloween.  Jon and I thought long and hard about what to bring you on el Día de los Muertos and, having considered it for some time we began working on a project early last week.  Then things went a bit awry, and we ended up postponing it until next year.  So it was left to me to write the Halloween special alone.  And, looking into the dark recesses of my soul for inspiration, I came up with a horror-filled tale of woe and dread.  Do not read on if you are of a nervous disposition.  Or if you are a lover of poetry.

a scary picture of a spooky house


‘Twas a crisp, moonlit night, and all was still,

yet into the house came a terrible chill,

the creak of a door, an inrush of air,

the muffled report of a foot on the stair.


The woman awoke, and sat with a start,

with trembling hands, and a racing heart,

was it her husband, returned from the bar?

Was it a spectre, or a burglar?


A rustling sound rose up from the kitchen,

and this resolved her to spring into action,

Shrilly, she called, in a faltering voice,

“Who is that down there, that’s causing the noise?”


No answer was given, to her nervous query,

she listened and listened, the silence was eerie,

and so it was, with a palpable dread,

she resolved to get up and stepped out of the bed.


She crossed the room swiftly, donning her gown,

tiptoed through the door and prepared to go down,

to discover who-knew-what was down there.

She stifled a whimper and went down the stairs.


Breathlessly she crept, along the hallway,

and when she arrived at the kitchen doorway,

she flung open the door, and switched on the light,

and then she received the most terrible fright.


She recoiled in horror, and let out a shriek,

she fell to the floor unable to speak,

she covered her eyes and continued to scream,

‘twas quite the most horrible thing that she’d seen.


So what was this horror, this terror, this sight?

That haunted the kitchen in the dead of night?

The most hideous thing she ever will see,

‘twas the bone-chilling mask of Jonathan Lee.

A scary Jonathan Lee mask hanging from a pan rack

Have a great Halloween!  Oh, and if you haven’t read it yet, this comes highly recommended:  7 Reasons we Should Trick-or-Treat Ourselves out of the Deficit

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