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7 Reasons That Bank Holiday Weekends Are Weird

Posted on May 4, 2010 in Posts | 3 comments

Easy Breezy Beautiful : The Bank Holiday Weekend!  Blue, white letters

1.    Bank Holiday Monday. It’s weird.  It’s a second Sunday.  Shops and public transport operate on Sunday time on bank holiday Mondays, but Sunday is a pudding of a day:  So why not make the Sunday of the bank holiday weekend a second Saturday instead?  Then we’d have two Saturdays and only one Sunday (Monday), which is a much better Saturday: Sunday ratio.  Plus, people spend more on Saturdays, so it would help the economy.  See, I’ve thought this through.


2.  The Wray Scarecrow Festival. Possibly one of the best bank holiday events anywhere in the world.  It’s a festival of scarecrows!  It’s almost as good as cheese-rolling!  Look!  Scarecrows!  Bloody thousands of them (well, several).

A montage of photos of scarecrows from the Wray Scarecrow Festival


3.  Weather. Western Sub-Saharan Africa and Indo-Australia are afflicted with particularly intense monsoon seasons.  In Britain, we have one too.  Every bloody bank holiday weekend.  This is why one of our more notable national traits is moaning about the weather.  Well, that and tea consumption.  On balance, I prefer moaning.


4.  People. People do strange things during bank holidays.  This bank holiday weekend, I found myself at home alone and decided to watch the classic ITV documentary series, The World At War.  All twenty-six episodes.  I watched the entire Second World War in three days.  Madness.  No one sets themselves that sort of stupid task on a normal weekend.  They do practical things like building an Anderson Shelter in the garden or shopping for powdered egg and nylons.*


5.  The Following Week. The bank holiday throws the whole working week off kilter.  Tuesday becomes Monday, Wednesday becomes Tuesday, Thursday becomes Wednesday yet Friday is still Friday, because we’ve all adjusted by the time we get to it.  But a day’s gone missing somewhere.  Hasn’t it?


6.  Banks. Why do banks even get their own holiday?  Is it so they can look down their noses at building societies?  Is it to give them less time in which to cock up the global economy?  Perhaps we should have more bank holidays.


7.  Cheese Rolling. The best thing in the history of the world:  Better than powered flight; better than cricket; better than sausages.  It’s cheese-rolling.  If you haven’t seen cheese-rolling before, here’s some footage.**


*I may have watched too much war.

** That was a person with a horse’s head, by the way.  You weren’t imagining it.  Thought you’d like to know.

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  1. Wasn’t The Great Escape on?
    .-= Jon´s last blog ..Male Lesbianism: An Insight. =-.

  2. That footage also appears to show the other popular sport – that of people rolling. Only the man with the horses head didn’t join in, maybe that’s because horses don’t roll.
    .-= Simon´s last blog ..simonpjbest: @splex Refined sugar? =-.

  3. @Jon. No one jumped over a fence on a motorbike on my television.
    @Simon. Horses: wild; unpredictable; vicious; not prone to bouts of rolling. Who knows what they’ll do? The people rolling is more fun than the cheese, if I’m honest.
    .-= Marc´s last blog ..Change =-.

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