Russian Roulette Sunday: The 7 Reasons Q&A Session In Video Format
This doesn’t really need an introduction. Just press play. Or if that doesn’t work, email us and ask for a transcript. We won’t send you one, but we like to be asked.
The 7 Reasons Q&A Session
The winner of last week’s Eighth Reason Competition was Robert. A. Foot. Partly as he was the only one to give a reason and partly because he is already owed a badge for his Guest Post last Saturday. This just reminds me to send it to him.
Good effort. Hair was a shocker at the start, but it improved.
Not convinced on your answer to my tree question, but it was THE best question by a country mile. Good feature but some of the questions were piss poor (liked the shortbread one and the cheese one though nom nom nom)
A number of points.
1. It is not supposed to be viewed as a hair product commercial.
2. You’re not convinced by a factual answer?
3. It wasn’t the best question.
4. You should have asked me what noise Justin makes when the smoke alarm is going off in the kitchen.
.-= Jon´s last blog ..Male Lesbianism: An Insight. =-.