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7 Reasons Frank Sinatra Talked Nonsense

Posted on April 13, 2010 in Top Posts | 11 comments

Frank Sinatra Singing Nonsense

1.  If I Can Make It There, I Can Make It Anywhere, It’s Up To You, New York New York. No it isn’t. A city does not decide whether you make it or not. A city is an inanimate object and therefore lacks the necessary attributes to make such a call. But if you are that desperate, try Norwich. You’ll have more luck.

2.  She’d Never Bother, With People She’d Hate, That’s Why The Lady Is A Tramp. This does not make the lady a tramp. It makes the lady someone who uses her time wisely. Think Thatcher and Scargill.

3.  The Way You Wear That Hat, The Way You Sip Your Tea, The Memory Of All That, They Can’t Take That Away From Me. Unless they shoot you.

4.  I’ve Lived A Life That’s Full, I’ve Travelled Each And Every Highway. An oxymoron to begin with. And probably bollocks. That is a hell of a lot of road.

5.  Saturday Night Is The Loneliest Night Of The Week. No, that would be Monday night. When you are desperately trying to come up with ideas for the following day’s 7 Reasons post.

6.  I’ve Got The World On A String, I’m Sitting On A Rainbow. No, you have a microphone on a wire and you are sitting on a stool. The difference is beyond substantial.

7.  Come Fly With Me, Let’s Fly, Let’s Fly Away. Not so much a nonsensical comment, as a ridiculous and dangerous one. Frank didn’t own a pilot’s license. I wouldn’t bloody trust him. Especially as he carried a crate of whiskey around with him.

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  1. 8. Exactly like who?

    ‘You seem to understand each foolish little scheme that I’m scheming, And the dream that I’m dreaming, Now I know why my mother, she taught me to be true, She meant me for someone exactly like you’.

    Nancy Barbato (married 1939-1951), Ava Gardner (1951–1957), Mia Farrow (1966–1968), or Barbara Marx (1976-1998)?
    .-= Aspasia´s last blog ..aspasea: Professional Sinnerz – Όταν Σε Είχα Πρωτοδεί http://youtu.be/7lPjExS26JQ =-.

  2. I’ll have to have a discussion with the boss, but I think that eighth reason is badge worthy.

  3. We have a boss!? Shit. I’d better get some work done then.
    .-= Marc´s last blog ..Missing: Men With Sandwich Boards =-.

  4. I have always viewed you as my boss Marc. You are wiser.
    .-= Jon´s last blog ..Male Lesbianism: An Insight. =-.

  5. Being Sinatra was the crooner and didn’t actually write these lyrics, I think something got missed in the translation here

  6. I also noticed the lyrics look like weird. So that was the reason behind it. I guess the 8th reason isn’t badge worthy, its pride.

  7. humorous explaination about frank senatra’s line. but actually im a fan of him. i love his songs.

  8. I’d like to point out that these are in fact NOT reasons WHY Frank Sinatra talked nonsense, but merely a detailed (and, to be sure, rather funny) evidence THAT he did so. It might seem silly to beso accurate, but these false causal clause occur so often these days… It’s bit depressing and shows certain ignorance, or, worse, disinterest in proper use of language.

  9. Well, that’s just a song but it’s worthy a to pu some pun to be able to entertain readers. Thanks for this.

  10. F S is a singer. I’m a singer. Singers sing all kinds of lyrics with which, sometimes, we might disagree. We’re just indulging a hobby or earning a living doing what wd know best. Give us a break & line up the toddies.

  11. David Collette, of course we all know he was a singer, and singers DO sing nonsense most of the times, but if look at it from the aspect of 7reasons, this makes a pretty good list!

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