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Guest Post: 7 Reasons Great Britain is Better Than the United States of America

Guest Post: 7 Reasons Great Britain is Better Than the United States of America

Today’s guest post comes courtesy of globe-trotting, observation-jotting, ale-totting, train-riding man of both style and substance, Simon Best.  The last guest post that he wrote for us, 7 Reasons the United States of America is Better Than Great Britain, was such a success that Simon has come back to wholly contradict himself.  Based on this evidence, it may appear to those who don’t know Simon, that he could start a fight in an...

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7 Reasons Tesco Is Dangerous

7 Reasons Tesco Is Dangerous

1.  Trolleys. For the first time in 7 Reasons history, we have a three pronged reason. (Yes, that is the official name). One: Wobbly wheels – An absolute nightmare to control. One minute you are heading for Lady Grey tea bags the next you find yourself in frozen sausages. Two: Trolley rage – Why does everyone else push their trolley so slowly? And why do they always alter direction just as you are trying to squeeze past them? And why...

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7 Reasons I Don’t Care About Cheryl Bloody Cole

7 Reasons I Don’t Care About Cheryl Bloody Cole

1.  Thug. The nation loves Cheryl Cole, so we are told.  Do we?  I don’t.  I’m quite sure that Sophie Amogbokpa doesn’t – that’s the toilet attendant and part-time law student that Cheryl Cole was convicted of assaulting in a nightclub toilet in 2003.  The judge at the trial wasn’t particularly taken with her either, criticizing her for having “…showed no remorse whatsoever.”  That’s at least three people who...

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7 Reasons The Cassette Is Better Than The CD

7 Reasons The Cassette Is Better Than The CD

1.  CD Case Design Flaw: Part A. Whichever genius designed the CD case was/is not a genius. A genius would not have made the breadth of the case so bloody tiny that the name of the artist/album is impossible to see unless you have your nose pressed up against it. The breadth of the cassette case was ideal. Perfectly readable from a sensible distance and far less risk of adding a plastic splinter to your face. 2.  CD Case Design Flaw: Part B....

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